Armed guards as an operative security service that protect with military style precision, honour and toughness.

Security Guards Security ServiceThe best armed security service is to control your safety with MDSS security guards. This is the only way to ensure that you are fighting crime proactively.

Security services during and after the lockdown is and will still be changing (and to what degree?). Milites Dei Security Services (Pty) Ltd. (MDSS) do not think anybody knows. Everyone is speculating. We however know that nothing is going to be the same. South Africa will be very different. Not too long ago, South Africans were thrown a curve-ball named, load shedding and now load shedding appears as child’s play.

Most definitely, crime will be on the increase. Desperate the increase in crime, people will do anything to survive.

Criminals have a ‘nothing to lose’ mindset which is a very dangerous mindset to have. Criminals do not fear or respect the law, police or the justice system in South Africa. The mindset of a criminal is a dangerous one, especially if they hide in the mob.

Therefore, controlling your safety with MDSS security guards, is the only way to ensure that you are fighting crime proactively. Now is the time to be in control of your security and seek total security solutions!

Reasons why you should contact Milites Dei Security Services (Pty) Ltd. for security guards and patrols:

  • MDSS reacts before the fact and not after. Most security companies arrive at the scene after the break-in or attack. This is not helping the client at all with safety and security.
  • The MDSS uniform and the visible security presence deter the criminal away from the client and the client’s property.
  • The MDSS officer is fit and strong and not afraid to lawfully arrest the criminal.

The services on offer include operatives at small farms, small holdings, big farms, and anyone that wants to physically protect their assets (houses, cars, businesses, wildlife, animals, crops, etc.). With security officers as operatives that protect with military style precision, honour and toughness, the client can have peace of mind.

MDSS also protect farmers and their people, so that farmers can farm in peace and people can enjoy the farming production in safety.

We offer extensive night-work, with 24-hour perimeter surveillance.

Our teams do intelligence reports and gather intelligence. Surveillance, anti-surveillance and counter-surveillance is done to offer unpredictable relliable security.

Other services we offer include anything from truck escourts, counter-insurgency to COVID cops (ensuring COVID measures are applied correctly).

Students at Milites Dei Academy (MDA) find that they are given in-service training, this also applies to our security services. Training MDA (our academy) offers include PSIRA grades, security and firearm training.